0PSU LogoThe search for a storage server PSU

I recently pos­ted abi­out my search for a new stor­age serv­er case. My next search involves find­ing a suit­able PSU! It seems in recent years it has got much harder to find the type of hard­ware I like to use, prob­ably because the fash­ion has been to go smal­ler and sleeker which is gen­er­ally more pos­sible in this era of improved per­form­ance-per-watt devices. How­ever, if you have space and you want sys­tems to be cool, quiet, and effi­cient then large is still the way to go.
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0Wordpress LogoFixing wordpress visual editor

I’ve had an issue recently where the word­press visu­al edit­or stopped work­ing. The code edit­or worked fine, but the visu­al but­ton just did­n’t do any­thing at all. I knew it was­n’t a serv­er set­ting because it impacted 2 of 5 word­press sites on the serv­er, but the oth­ers worked fine. I tried delet­ing and copy­ing fresh cop­ies of “wp-includes” and “wp-admin” in case some­thing had got cor­rup­ted but this did­n’t resolve the prob­lem either.

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2The search for a 12 bay 5.25″ full tower case

I have an ori­gin­al Cool­er­Mas­ter Stack­er case (STC-T01-UW) that I use for my serv­er. It is great because it has 12 5.25″ extern­al drive bays. Strictly speak­ing it has 11 useable as 1 of them is taken up by the power but­ton and front-usb mod­ule, but this can be mod­i­fied if necesary. This spec­tac­u­lar case is great for fit­ting lots of HDDs for a stor­age array. My sys­tem cur­rently has 10 reg­u­lar size HDDs and 2 SSDs in it which fit eas­ily with plenty of cool­ing. As I want to build a second serv­er to migrate the older drives into I am look­ing for anoth­er case with equally impress­ive capacity…
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0nginx curves error SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list

I recently ran into an error with a new nginx con­fig that I could­n’t find any­where on google! Turns out that was because I was read­ing the font wrongly and sub­stitued a lower case L for a num­ber 1. So if you ended up on this psage because you searched for SSL_CTX_setl_curves_list then try search­ing again, for SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list.
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0Centos 8

Cen­tos 8 has finally been released and will even­tu­ally provide the base for a new host­ing plat­form for us. How­ever it isn’t quite ready as there are a few pack­ages not yet available.
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0Expanding smarthome on the cheap

As I’ve writ­ten about before, I have begun to exper­i­ment with the world of smarthome devices, and cur­rently use a smartth­ings hub and a google home mini. So far these have just turned on lamps and oth­er “plugged in” devices via smart­plugs, but with more com­pat­ible devices at reas­on­able prices finally start­ing to appear I wanted to start doc­u­ment­ing more of what I’ve tried
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0windows 8 logoMore WDS errors solved

WDS really is quite an unfriendly sys­tem. Clunky, fiddly, and prone ot fail­ure without help­ful error inform­a­tion. After updat­ing some of my unat­ten­ded files I was no longer able to carry out unat­ten­ded install­a­tions, but have even­tu­ally solved the series of mis­lead­ing errors
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