For a long time I’ve been searching for the ideal HTPC remote control. I want a fairly standard remote, but with a QWERTY keyboard on the back, or inside a flip/slide out part. I’ve been tracking the options in [intlink id=“46” type=“post”]an article from Jan-2010[/intlink], and eventually ordered myself a Boxee remote a few months back. The boxee is an excellent wireless keyboard, but unfortunately, boxee have opted to go the “Apple route” (aka dumbed down) on the non-qwerty side. There are a total of 7 buttons, non of which is a power button. There is also no “back up” type button. This makes the boxee pretty useless for Media Center 7.… Lees het volledige artikel
Berichten Getagged: boxee
Planning a new networked home media setup
In the coming months I will be buying a new property, and to go with my new home, I’ve been reading up lots on how I might integrate a new home media setup. In recent months several exciting new options have become available, which finally makes the sort of setup I have always desired a real possibility.… Lees het volledige artikel
The search for a HTPC remote-keyboard
I’ve been looking for a new (more versatile) remote control for my HTPC. At the moment I have to use a full-size keyboard as the remote control has no such facility. I’ve been looking for a suitable remote control with keyboard, and whilst I haven’t yet found quite the right thing I have found some interesting products…
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”