Berichten Getagged: ClockworkMod

1Samsung Galaxy Note 2How to: Root the Samsung Galaxy Note 2

As I’ve noted before pretty much the first thing I do when I get a new phone is root it. This time around its the turn of my part­ners Galaxy Note 2. Below I will sum­mar­ise the steps which are very sim­il­ar to those I used for my own Sam­sung Galaxy S3.

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5Samsung Galaxy S3How to: Root the Samsung Galaxy S3

Pretty much the first thing I do when I get a new phone is root it. First and fore­most this allows me to install and enable adfree — which is get­ting increas­ingly essen­tial on android. On pre­vi­ous phones this was often tricky, altho in the last couple of years it has stead­ily got easi­er. This time it was the turn of my new Sam­sung Galaxy S3. Below I will sum­mar­ise the steps in my own way, but I had a look at sev­er­al guides on the net and the best one I found was on Android­Au­thor­ity.

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5android logoHow to Root the HTC Desire HD & install a custom ROM

I’ve recently been asked to root a HTC Desire HD and put a cus­tom ROM onto it. I agreed to, des­pite some reluct­ance — hack­ing my own HTC Desire was quite a hassle and involved lots of research and con­sid­er­able time. … Lees het volledige artikel