I’ve recently been working on an update/overhaul of both my various websites and the server backend. As part of this process I’ve been trying ot make sure everything is using the latest standards to maximise performance and compatability. One of the best features of recent versions of wordpress is the native support for responsive images — where the imgset=”” attribut eis used to supply alternative sizes of images in a group so the browser can use the most appropriate. In combination with async loading and lazy loading this can make pages load far faster whilst still looking good to all visitors. However css has not adopted these newer features so background images are much trickier to deal with. It can be done though…
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Artigos Etiquetados: css
0Mostrar imagem ampliada ao passar o mouse no wordpress
Como parte das melhorias recentes que tenho feito em vários sites, eu queria fazer imagens em galerias mostrarem versões ampliadas quando pairava sobre. Fazendo isso com o básico CSS é bastante trivial, mas eu não queria apenas expandir a imagem original, Eu queria que o navegador pegasse um novo (maior) imagem também ...
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0imagens de fundo sensível para sites
Eu estive recentemente atualizando meus sites e servidor web e adicionando um novo site (LoveCrete.org). Eu queria ter uma imagem de fundo em LoveCrete e percebeu que, claro, 1 tamanho não serve para todos os ecrãs. Here is a summary of what my thinking was and what I did to cater for the numerous screen sizes and orientations.
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0Poucos artigos novos, lotes do novo trabalho de design
For the last 2–3 months I’ve been too busy to write much new content for the site. This hasn’t been helped by a drop in things to write about — most of my articles are about technology fixes or exciting new HTPC related developments. There haven’t been too many new developments, and I haven’t fixed much technology because I’ve been too busy. That doesn’t mean the site has been entirely ignored however…
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”