1Sony VaioTouchpad settings on Sony Vaio VPCSB

My old man has a Sony Vaio VPCSB laptop, a 13.3″ mod­el that is now about 10 years old but thanks to an SSD and extra RAM is still more than adequate for today’s demands. I recently upgraded it to Win­dows 10, des­pite no help at all from Sony, and ran into an issue with the touch­pad hav­ing all the silly Win­dows 10 swip­ing and scrolling turned on by default with no obvi­ous way to turn it off.

Device man­ager iden­ti­fies the touch­pad as a Syn­aptics device, but some Syn­aptics drivers were already installed and provided almost no set­tings at all. I tried a few altern­at­ive syn­aptics drivers but did­n’t make any use­ful pro­gress with any. After some googling I found a post on Toms­Guide for­ums by Net­her­drake who sug­ges­ted installing an “Alps” driver, which amaz­ingly enough did the trick!

The file that is needed is called 200006182_c692392e145b5e165daf8eca2ec8eccc649958fd.cab and can be down­loaded from the Microsoft Update Catalog

Extract the file, and then use device man­ager to install the driver for the touch­pad (using the “have disk” option). Win­dows may warn you that it can­’t con­firm the driver is com­pat­ible, but it will install and work fine after a reboot.

To change the options go to PC Set­tings -> Devices -> Touch­pad -> Addi­tion­al Set­tings -> Touch­pad tab -> Click to Change the Touch­pad Settings

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