Fur­ther to my post yes­ter­day, I dis­covered, via Nigel Des­sau’s blog (closed by AMD since this art­icle was pub­lished), that ATI will be releas­ing a fix for this issue in the Cata­lyst 10.2 (Feb­ru­ary 2010) release. This is fant­ast­ic news, thank you ATI!

For those that just can­’t wait, an early release ver­sion of the 10.2 drivers is avail­able from station-drivers.com. It is lis­ted as “Ver­sion 10.1 (8.70RC1) WHQL. Hav­ing tested this per­son­ally I can con­firm suc­cess with a recor­ded epis­ode of “life” from BBC HD, played back with my Radeon HD4850 with DXVA decod­ing enabled (~2–5% CPU usage with a Core2Duo E6300)

ਕੋਈ ਜਵਾਬ ਛੱਡਣਾ

3 ਟਿੱਪਣੀ


Hmmm. This issue is also still present in Den­mark. DR-HD. The prob­lem is still there in the 10.3 driver 🙁

JSਜੌਨ ਸਕਾਈਫ

Actu­ally, what I said is entirely cor­rect. My post is titled “ATI BBC HD Fix”. They HAVE fixed BBC HD. I’m sorry they haven’t also fixed the issue you are hav­ing with anoth­er chan­nel, but I’m not sur­prised — as I under­stand it all ATI have done is imple­ment a work­around for the issue which is really a com­pat­ib­il­ity issue between the encoders used by some broad­casters, and the Microsoft codec used for decod­ing in Win­dows 7. I have seen the same cor­rup­tion with Intel and nVidia video, but (like the now fixed BBC on ATI) the cor­rup­tion is only very brief at the start of view­ing. This clearly points to a deep­er prob­lem that is not spe­cif­ic to one GPU man­u­fac­turer. I believe it may be pos­sible to work around this for all chan­nels on all GPU’s by using an altern­at­ive codec, but as I under­stand it there are only altern­at­ives (e.g. Cyber­link codec) for Win­dows 7 x86. If you run x64 (as I do) then no such luck.

SPSébastien Pet

This issue has NOT been fixed. It may work for BBC HD (good for you), but I still get the bug for ALL French HD DVB-T chan­nels in Media Cen­ter. The graph­ic­al cor­rup­tion is now slightly dif­fer­ent but more frequent.
