Posts By: Jon Scaife

1Internet Explorer 9 LogoInternet Explorer 9 — Better than many expected?

Just a quick post, it seems that Microsoft have finally made a reas­on­able web browser, or at least the folks at Tom’s Hard­ware seem to think soI’m still look­ing for­ward to Fire­fox 4, and hop­ing Moz­illa will deliv­er a 64bit ver­sion as prom­ised, but a bit of com­pet­i­tion from the (still) dom­in­ant play­er in the browser mar­ket can­’t be a bad thing.

0Inside HDD LogoDisk Speeds

Since a post about a year ago where I com­pared the speed of sev­er­al flash drives (for Speed­ing up Media Browser) I’ve been keep­ing a track of the speed of vari­ous drives / devices. As I’ll soon be obtain­ing quite a few new drives it seemed a good time to organ­ise all the bench­marks and start a post with the data I’ve collected.
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