Posts By: ਜੌਨ ਸਕਾਈਫ

0Dell 3130CN LogoAdding a print icon to print individual blog posts

In addi­tion to this blog I also have a blog about recipesI decided that I wanted a print icon on the main page for each post so that people can print the recipes. Googling provided vari­ous sug­ges­tions, none of which worked. How­ever, I even­tu­ally cobbled togeth­er the fol­low­ing, which seems to work…
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0UK Channel LogosChannel Logos (formerly on

The Theme7mc site seems to have been pulled, and loc­at­ing the resources that used to be on it isn’t straight-for­ward. As a former con­trib­ut­or I was keen to find where the con­tents had gone and am pleased I can point people to the Theme7mc archive post on where they can all be found.

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0Wireless WiFi 802.11 ABGN LogoResolved: Wireless video streaming problem

I have a very strange issue which is caus­ing prob­lems play­ing videos over a wireless‑n net­work. Play­ing the videos causes the net­work to drop out after a short peri­od. Some­times this only lasts for 2–3 seconds, which just causes a video stut­ter. Oth­er times the drop out is more per­man­ent and takes nearly a minute to recov­er, unless the wire­less radio is switched off and back on, whereupon recon­nec­tion occurs.
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0Nexus RealSilent 120 Orange Fan LogoStability issues

I’ve been hav­ing some sta­bil­ity issues with my HTPC recently. A rein­stall did­n’t help so I con­cluded it was hard­ware. Remov­ing all non essen­tials did­n’t help either so I figured it must be CPU, memory or mobo related. Noth­ing is over­clocked or tweaked and its all fairly recent brand name kit. I stress tested the CPU and memory without caus­ing either to fail, but I con­tin­ued to get occa­sion­al lockups and inter­mit­tent slug­gish performance.
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0Media Player Classic - Home Cinema LogoMPC-HC

Just a very quick note — The latest ver­sion of media play­er clas­sic home cinema and the stan­dalone codecs seem rather elu­sive. The place to go for alpha and beta releases is

0Android Market Google PlayFavourite apps for the HTC Desire

I’ve had an HTC Desire for a couple of months now, which has giv­en me plenty of time to explore the range of apps avail­able. Below is a list of the ones I’ve found myself using the most fre­quently (exclud­ing the built-in ones)
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0Tinkerbell Fairy Wish List LogoTechnology Wish List

One of the best things about the Inter­net is that one can find almost any­thing. Sadly, there are some things that can­’t be found (at the time of writ­ing). Below is my per­son­al list that I’m hop­ing to even­tu­ally find…
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0Haali Matroska logoProblems with DS splitters playing a range of m2ts files

Ever since set­tings up a HTPC run­ning Win7 Media Cen­ter I have had the occa­sion­al prob­lem play­ing m2ts files. ffd­show sup­ports all of the codecs used in m2ts files but still a few files play without without either audio or video, or the play­back isn’t smooth des­pite more than ample hard­ware. I have exper­i­mented extens­ively with both haali matroska split­ter and [int­link id=“58” type=“post”]gabests mpeg splitter[/intlink] but both have their flaws.
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0Mozilla Firefox LogoAnnoying firefox extensions that can’t be removed

I have vari­ous annoy­ing “exten­sions” lis­ted in my fire­fox install that can­’t be removed through the nor­mal exten­sions tab. Here’s how to get rid of them…
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