0Via Mini-ITX 2 LogoDual PCI‑E Mini-ITX set-top HTPC

This is a quick fol­low up to a pre­vi­ous post about [int­link id=“1340” type=“post”]dual slot Mini-ITX systems[/intlink] with the details of a poten­tial sys­tem I’m hop­ing to build for a bedroom.

Case: Morex 2799 set-top case with dual PCI slot spaces €68.43

PSU: 80W with laptop-style power brick €26.12

Sys­tem: Asus E35M1‑M Pro £100.00

Memory: 4Gb DDR3 £16.29

HDD: Seag­ate Momentus XT 500Gb £83.00

Optic­al: Slim BD-ROM £75.00

TV Card: BGT3650 or BGT3600 £166.80

PCI-E split­ter cable: Ameri­R­ack ARC1-PELY423-C7 £Unknown

Total: £522.60 (+ riser + shipping)

ਇਸ ਲਈ,around £550 isn’t exactly cheap, but on the oth­er hand, this device is effect­ively a 1080p BluRay Play­er, full fea­tured Quad-DVR and inter­net TV all in one, with vari­ous bonuses, includ­ing full web browser avail­ab­il­ity, gam­ing poten­tial and com­pat­ib­il­ity with a lim­it­less range of codecs and exist­ing files. It also has the poten­tial to add anoth­er TV card (for 8 chan­nels sim­ul­tan­eous), or a more power­ful GPU, or a high qual­ity sound card. It should also be pretty much silent.

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