5Microsoft Security Essentials LogoFree anti-virus / anti-malware for Windows Server 2008

Microsoft are offer­ing a down­load­able Beta of ver­sion 2 of their free secur­ity app Secur­ity Essen­tials.  This works on Win­dows Serv­er.  For any­one (like me) who is using Serv­er 2008 at home (e.g. on a file serv­er) and needs anti-vir­us, I highly recom­mend this.

Update: [int­link id=“96” type=“post”]Version 2 final[/intlink] is now available.

ਕੋਈ ਜਵਾਬ ਛੱਡਣਾ


CBCarla Bayley

Please help me! I am try­ing to pur­chase the vir­us pro­tec­tion but the fire­wall won’t let me in so that I can. It is telling me that it detects a vir­us and I want to pro­tect my com­puter but can­’t get through the fire­wall to pur­chase it. Some­thing seems wrong and I think you could help me make this pur­chase and get through this impossible situ­ation on my com­puter sin­cerely carla

JSJon Scaife

I believe you did veri­fy it, by vir­tue of the fact that your com­ments have appeared as approved 🙂 The answer was to click on the link in the e‑mail, which I guess you’ve now done.
What vir­us pro­tec­tion are you try­ing to pur­chase? — Microsoft secur­ity essen­tials is free! What fire­wall are you run­ning? — I doubt a fire­wall app is pre­vent­ing you from down­load­ing (or pur­chas­ing) anti-vir­us soft­ware. It sounds more likely that you have a vir­us infec­tion of some kind which is mess­ing with your access to web­sites. Without more inform­a­tion though it’s impossible for me to be of much help. Start from the begin­ning and include as much detail as you can (by detail I mean human details, not 1000s of lines of log files). What sys­tem are you run­ning?, are you the admin of it?, what prob­lems do you have with it?, which anti-vir­us are you try­ing to purchase/download?, what errors are you get­ting when you try to download/purchase? etc.…

JSJon Scaife

Depends what you mean? In terms of the real-time scan­ning you can exclude spe­cif­ic files, paths, file-types or pro­cesses. When you run a manu­al scan you can choose “cus­tom scan” and select the loc­a­tions you want to scan. Its free so why don’t you down­load it to a Win­dows XP / Vista / 7 PC and try it out to see if it does what you need?


Jon, Does Microsoft Secur­ity Essen­tials allow you to run only in par­tic­u­lar file loc­a­tions? I have a serv­er that sev­er­al users log into and want to be able to scan select­ive files and user­’s pro­files. Thank YouRon
