1Samsung Galaxy Note 2How to: Root the Samsung Galaxy Note 2

As I’ve noted before pretty much the first thing I do when I get a new phone is root it. This time around its the turn of my part­ners Galaxy Note 2. Below I will sum­mar­ise the steps which are very sim­il­ar to those I used for my own Sam­sung Galaxy S3.

  1. Make sure the phone drivers are installed. You can do this by installing Sam­sung Kies, or you can get the drivers on their own from xda-developers.
  2. I recom­mend installing Kies — as you may as well update to the latest release at the same time. Kies can take quite a long time to install, and seemed to me to go into a “hot­fix” loop, but I was patient enough for it to com­plete successfully
  3. Press and hold the vol down, home and power but­tons, for approx 20 sec, until the phone enters down­load mode, with text which starts “warn­ing”. Press the up vol to continue.
  4. Down­load the latest cf-auto-root for the Note 2 from chain­fire (update 11-Dec-2012: cf-auto-root has replaced cf-root)
  5. Down­load odin3 3.04 from xda-developers.
  6. Con­nect the phone cable to the PC and run odin. You should get a yel­low box
  7. Click on PDA and point to the down­loaded chain­fire file — in TAR format (if its still a zip you’ll need to extract the TAR from inside the zip)
  8. Click start
  9. The pro­cess should take about a minute

Once you’re up and run­ning take a look at my list of recom­men­ded android apps which is updated every 6 months or so. See the related posts sec­tion below for the latest version.

ਕੋਈ ਜਵਾਬ ਛੱਡਣਾ

One Comment


When I root the Note 2 will I lose any of the func­tion­al­ity of the phone? Like will my S Pin stop work­ing? I am on AT&T will I gain the multi-view screen option?
