0FFmpeg LogoLAV — A new splitter

A new dir­ect­show split­ter has become avail­able. If you’re not happy with the offer­ings from Haali and Gabest then you might like to try LAVI haven’t tried it myself yet, so I can­’t cur­rently offer any more inform­a­tion. It does men­tion split­ting wtv files though, so I will be try­ing it in the near future.

Update 1

  • It seems to recog­nise wtv files, but I could­n’t get them to play back with ffdshow
  • It is bet­ter than Haali with 1080i50 vc1 files(which don’t seem to work in any­thing ffm­peg related) but whilst they play, it gets out of sync quite quickly.
  • It juddered when play­ing “Deja Vu” with ffd­show dxva decoder. Deja Vu includes a raw PCM bit­stream. It was ok with ffd­show with soft­ware decod­ing, but Haali can decode Deja Vu with PCM audio and using ffd­show dxva for video.

When I get the time I will com­pile a thor­ough set of chal­len­ging-to-play files with vari­ous codecs, res­ol­u­tions and fram­er­ates, and pro­duce a full com­par­is­on table between Haali, Gabest and LAV

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