9Wordpress LogoRich Snippets code for the Twenty Eleven theme

I’ve pre­vi­ously detailed the code for enabling rich snip­pets in vari­ous word­press themes ([int­link id=“2948” type=“post”]Mystique 2[/intlink], [int­link id=“2949” type=“post”]Mystique 3[/intlink], [int­link id=“2468” type=“post”]Thesis[/intlink] & [int­link id=“3017” type=“post”]Me Gusta[/intlink]) as well as some [int­link id=“1520” type=“post”]generic instructions[/intlink]. Below is a set of edits to enable rich snip­pets in the built-in word­press twenty elev­en theme.

ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0Wordpress LogoRich snippets code for Me Gusta theme

I’ve pre­vi­ously covered theme edits for rich snip­pets for vari­ous themes includ­ing [int­link id=“2948” type=“post”]Mystique 2[/intlink], [int­link id=“2949” type=“post”]Mystique 3[/intlink], [int­link id=“2468” type=“post”]Thesis[/intlink] & [int­link id=“3015” type=“post”]Twenty Eleven[/intlink] as well as some [int­link id=“1520” type=“post”]generic instructions[/intlink].  Below are details of the code for how to val­id­ate rich snip­pets in the Me Gusta by Cos­mos theme.

ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

2Wordpress LogoRich snippets code for Mystique 3.x

I’ve pre­vi­ously writ­ten about rich snip­pets code for[int­link id=“2948” type=“post”]Mystique 2[/intlink].  There are also[int­link id=“1520” type=“post”]generic instructions[/intlink] and code for the themes [int­link id=“3015” type=“post”]twenty eleven[/intlink], [int­link id=“3017” type=“post”]me gusta[/intlink] ਅਤੇ [int­link id=“2468” type=“post”]thesis[/intlink].  Below is updated code for Mys­tique 3

ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0Wordpress LogoRich Snippets code for Mystique 2.x

In addi­tion to this site I have a per­son­al blog where, amongst oth­er things, I post recipes. I’ve recently dis­covered google’s new recipe search, and have been look­ing to imple­ment sup­port for micro­formats / microdata. Google provide a tool for check­ing your markup, called the “rich snip­pets test­ing tool. When I tried val­id­at­ing one of my recipes, I encountered vari­ous errors, which have taken me a while to track down and resolve. … ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0codecsComplete codec setup guide for Windows 78

Win­dows 8 is fin­ished and will soon be avail­able for retail sale. With that in mind it seemed a good time to write an updated guide to get­ting codecs set up for a fully oper­a­tion­al HTPC for both Win­dows 7 ਅਤੇ 8. For this guide I’m using a new fea­ture of HTML5 which cre­ates expand­able instruc­tions. At the time of writ­ing this is only sup­por­ted by chrome and safari 6 but hope­fully oth­er browsers will add sup­port in the near future.

ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

3windows 8 logoHow to restore a proper UI to Windows 8 & Server 2012

Win­dows 8 and Serv­er 2012 have now RTMed and as expec­ted the good old UI of desktop and start­menu has been replaced with a[int­link id=“2543” type=“post”]horrible new UI[/intlink] (pre­vi­ously called Metro).  In their ulti­mate wis­dom Microsoft have left no way to switch back to the old desktop/start menu sys­tem, but thanks to vari­ous tweaks and tools it is pos­sible to get 90% of the inter­face restored — good enough to be fully usable. Below I doc­u­ment the vari­ous steps and tweaks required.

ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0Settlers IIResurrecting a very old post: VGA fix for Settlers 2

Thanks to a request by dhd in a com­ment on the down­loads page, I decided to go look­ing through backups of my old web­sites. Below is a pos­ted I wrote around 200304 about how to fix prob­lems with run­ning the game Set­tlers 2 on Win­dows XP. I’m pretty cer­tain the same wont work on new­er ver­sions of Win­dows sadly, but for those XP users still out there who want to play your (very) old copy of Set­tlers 2 — enjoy…

ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

6Media ServerDVBLink 4.5 & Server 2012 media server

In the last 6 weeks 2 major updates have totally changed the media serv­er land­scape. DVBLink serv­er 4.5 and Microsoft Win­dows Serv­er 2012 in com­bin­a­tion look to offer an ideal win­dows-plat­form for a home media server.

ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0AMD Vision Fusion Premium LogoFixed: AMD E350 crashes & invalid boot device error

I’ve had an AMD E350 sys­tem for over a year, which I use as my primary HTPC. How­ever, in that time I’ve always had oca­sion­al Sta­bil­ity issues where the sys­tem would lock up, reboot, and fail to find the primary HDD. At first I put this down to the HDD — a Seag­ate Momentus XT, which was known to be unre­li­able when it was first released. Since Seag­ate released update firm­ware how­ever the drive has seemed to oper­ate fine, although I could­n’t rule it out. I also updated the BIOS of my Asus E35M1‑M Pro and updated all the drivers I could find, without fully resolv­ing the issue.

ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

2Samsung Galaxy S3Samsung Galaxy S3 & Note 2: Mods, tips & tweaks

I’ve had my Galaxy S3 a little over a month already and have slowly been com­pil­ing a worth­while list of tips and tweaks that I use and can recom­mend to oth­er users. I’ve updated the list to include tips for the Galaxy Note 2 which my part­ner now has. Many of these may also apply to oth­er Sam­sung or even oth­er android phones, but some are spe­cif­ic to the galaxy S3 or Galaxy Note 2. By all means try them regard­less of phone and let us know how you get on.… ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ