0DVB LogicPlanning a new networked home media setup

In the com­ing months I will be buy­ing a new prop­erty, and to go with my new home, I’ve been read­ing up lots on how I might integ­rate a new home media setup. In recent months sev­er­al excit­ing new options have become avail­able, which finally makes the sort of setup I have always desired a real pos­sib­il­ity.… Read Full Article

0dosboxRunning 16bit Windows apps on Windows 7

Whilst set­ting up a new laptop with Win­dows 7 x64 recently, I was asked if I could get some old 16bit pro­grams run­ning. One of these was an edu­ca­tion­al piece of soft­ware called “Mul­ti­me­dia Motion II” by Cam­bridge Sci­ence Media. This is a win­dows pro­gram that has worked on all pre­vi­ous ver­sions of win­dows up to win­dows XP. How­ever, Win­dows 7 x64 no longer sup­ports 16bit Win­dows pro­grams, and instead throws the error about being an “Unsup­por­ted 16-bit applic­a­tion”… Read Full Article

4Humax PVR-9200TCopy files from Humax PVR 9200T to PC

I own a couple of Humax PVT-9200T dual freeview PVRs, both of which are now quite full with recor­ded pro­grams. Humax have provided a pro­gram called eLinker, but it isn’t very good. A good altern­at­ive is Humax Media Con­trol­ler but unfor­tu­nately it does­n’t work with Win­dows x64, as Mike Dim­mick explains. Thank­fully, Mike has also cre­ated a solu­tion by patch­ing some of the files, so that Humax Media Con­trol­ler can now be used suc­cess­fully in Win­dows 7 x64. The only issue is that Win­dows must be booted with Driver Sign­ing Enforce­ment disabled.

Update Apr 2024

Mike’s site is still up but the link to HumaxPVR.zip that he offered is now dead.
I found a copy of Humax Media Con­trol­ler with Mike’s driver added that I down­loaded and e‑mailed to someone around 14 years ago still intact in my old gmail and have now res­cued it.
You can down­load it dir­ectly here

72Canon CanoScan LIDE ScannerGet your old scanner working with Windows 7 x64

In recent months I’ve encountered sev­er­al prob­lems where people have con­tac­ted me ask­ing for help get­ting their USB scan­ners work­ing on new PCsIn each case the new PCs have come with Win­dows 7 x64, and the scan­ners have been USB devices pro­duced by Can­on and Nikon. Both of these ima­ging spe­cial­ists have ser­i­ously dropped the ball on sup­port­ing products, includ­ing some quite expens­ive premi­um kit from not all that long ago.
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0Google MapsExtra Google Maps Icons

I fre­quently use google maps, and have cre­ated quite a few cus­tom maps. I par­tic­u­larly like using the place­mark icons with the stand­ard col­ours, rather than the cus­tom shape icons. How­ever, there are only 2 types, in 7 col­ours, for a total of 14, which is fre­quently insuf­fi­cient.… Read Full Article

3Apple logoIphone 4S: Just a disappointing catch-up

ਇਸ ਲਈ, I see that Apple have released the latest iter­a­tion of their “amaz­ing” iphone. Each time a new iproduct gets released I find myself yelling at TV, Radio ads, and oth­er ignor­ant people who don’t seem to real­ise that their is noth­ing spe­cial about Apple products. This time I’m going to share a few thoughts pub­licly instead. I’ve just watched the offi­cial release video over on the Apple web­site. So, with that as the basis, here are my thoughts on the “new” fea­tures in the iphone 4S…
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