0ClownBD LogoReauthoring corrientes BluRay

I like hav­ing my movies stored on a serv­er as I can use Media Cen­ter Mas­ter to down­load metadata, remolques que, la IMDB clasificación, etc, which is use­ful when I have people round for a movie ses­sion. Con­sequently I have recently been adding some of my Blu Ray col­lec­tion to my Media Serv­er via the handy Any­DVD HD.

Mientras que la mayoría Blu Ray de tener un único archivo .m2ts películas, some split the movie into many files and join­ing the files in the cor­rect order is tricky and very time con­sum­ing. Whilst search­ing for a solu­tion to this I dis­covered ClownBD.  Este excelente (y gratis) util­ity can scan the folder struc­ture of a ripped Blu Ray and auto­mat­ic­ally allow you to select the main move which it will then gen­er­ate as a single file. As a bonus it is also pos­sible to select which audio, vídeo y subtítulos arroyos para mantener.

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