2Wordpress LogoRich snippets code for Mystique 3.x

I’ve pre­vi­ously writ­ten about rich snip­pets code for[int­link id=“2948” type=“post”]Mystique 2[/intlink].  There are also[int­link id=“1520” type=“post”]generic instructions[/intlink] and code for the themes [int­link id=“3015” type=“post”]twenty eleven[/intlink], [int­link id=“3017” type=“post”]me gusta[/intlink] and [int­link id=“2468” type=“post”]thesis[/intlink].  Below is updated code for Mys­tique 3

1. The first prob­lem was with the author inform­a­tion / hrecipe section

The solu­tion:

You need a google pro­file. Your google pro­file must be linked from some­where on the page, with rel=“me”, AND the main domain of your web­site must be lis­ted on your google pro­file links.

I achieved this with the Mys­tique theme with a series of modifications.

Firstly, I added the code from yoast (as shown below) to functions.php

[php]function yoast_add_google_profile( $con­tact­meth­ods ) {
// Add Google Profiles
$contactmethods[‘google_profile’] = ‘Google Pro­file URL;
return $con­tact­meth­ods;
add_filter( ‘user_contactmethods’, ‘yoast_add_google_profile’, 10, 1);[/php]

Second, I went to my word­press pro­file page and filled in the google pro­file field with a link to my google profile

Third, I edited a line to author.php, again, based on inform­a­tion from yoast, but changed for the Mys­tique theme

<?php if(($app—>author->get(‘user_url’)) && ($app->author->get(‘user_url’)!== ‘https://)): ?>
<?php _ae(‘Home page:); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

And add the following

<?php if(($app—>author->get(‘google_profile’)) && ($app->author->get(‘google_profile’)!== ‘https://)): ?>
<?php _ae(‘Google Profile:); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Then I edited AtomObjectAuthor.php and changed line 213 by adding rel=“author” so it reads as follows

return ‘<a title=“ ‘.$title.’ ” href=“ ‘.$this->getPostsURL().’ ” rel=“author”>’.$this->getName().</a>;

When this is cor­rectly imple­men­ted you should get a suc­cess mes­sage in the snip­pets test­ing tool which reads Veri­fied: Author­ship markup is cor­rect for this page

2. The second problem(s) were with the hfeed / hentry sec­tion and included the following:

Miss­ing required hCard “author”.
Warn­ing: At least one field must be set for Hcard.
Warn­ing: At least one field must be set for HatomEntry.
Warn­ing: Miss­ing required field “entry-title”.
Warn­ing: Miss­ing required field “updated”.
Warn­ing: Miss­ing required hCard “author”.

The solution(s):

Use the word­press edit­or to edit single.php

Find the code

<h1 class=“title”></h1>

replace this with…

<h1 class=“title entry-title”></h1>
<h2 class=“updated”></h2>
<h2 class=“vcard”></h2>

A final note — Don’t just copy and paste the code from this page, as for some reas­on (I’m guess­ing char­ac­ter encod­ing) it wont work. Copy it from here and paste into win­dows note­pad. Then re-copy it from win­dows note­pad (or any oth­er basic plain-text-only edit­or) and paste into the word­press edit­or. Going via note­pad loses any hid­den encod­ing or oth­er data which causes a prob­lem so the code is treated as the plain-text it is sup­posed to be!

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Is there an update for this since the code is so much dif­fer­ent now using the atom engine?
I have tried to pos­sibly add the code with the atom calls but I am just a little unsure of how to get this to work properly.

JSJon Scaife

Not yet as this code still works. ਪਰ, I will be doing an update of it all in the near future — once the issues asso­ci­ated with the migra­tion of the site have been resolved 🙂 Check back in 3–4 weeks 🙂
