2Set up “home assistant” on a windows PC

As I’ve writ­ten about before I have a range of “smart home” devices that I’ve been gradu­ally exper­i­ment­ing with. One of the greatest frus­tra­tions of link­ing some of them is that many force you to go via “the cloud” which even with high speed inter­net can lead to delays of mul­tiple seconds for some tasks (“ok google, mute kodi”) for example. I’ve decided to give the free “home assist­ant” a try. As usu­al with any­thing linux based, get­ting it up and run­ning just isn’t straight for­ward. Here’s how…

First, down­load and install the latest ver­sion of python (v3.5+ is required). For con­veni­ence choose the option to add python to the path on the first page of the installer
Next, down­load and install the “Microsoft Visu­al C++ Build Tools” from Microsoft
Next down­load the “home assist­ant” file from Git­Hub as a zip and unzip it into %USERPROFILE%
Open an admin­is­trat­ive com­mand prompt, switch to the folder where you extrac­ted “home assist­ant” and type the fol­low­ing, giv­ing each com­mand time to complete.
pip3 install sqlalchemy
pip3 install netdisco
pip3 install warrant
pip3 install homeassistant
py ‑m home­as­sist­ant –open-ui

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2 ਟਿੱਪਣੀ

KMken maher

Everything seems to be ok except for the last com­mand (py ‑m home­as­sist­ant ‑open-ui) I get a mes­sage “c:\users\Ken\AppData\Local programs\Python\Python-32\Python.exe: No mod­ule named homeassistant
I’m guess­ing I’m in the wrong dir­ect­ory or my path needs work.

JSਜੌਨ ਸਕਾਈਫ

Are you run­ning that com­mand whilst in the dir­ect­ory you extrac­ted home­as­sist­ant to? I did write this 3 years ago so it may be that the mod­ule name has changed in the mean­time but it is def­in­itely worth check­ing you’re in the right loc­a­tion first.
