ਪੋਸਟ ਟੈਗ: 80plus

0PSU LogoEfficient PSU Upgrades: HuntKey Jumper update

I spot­ted a much cheap­er 80+ gold PSU in the ebuy­er xmas sales, and decided to look up some reviews. I found a review on anandtech which I must have some­how missed in the past. In light of this dis­cov­ery, I’ve updated my pre­vi­ous art­icles about PSU effi­ciency to include the HuntKey Jump­er 300G (aka R90).  The price of this PSU changes the con­clu­sions of 2 of the 4 scen­ari­os I’ve pre­vi­ously detailed, and I have in fact ordered one at the dis­count price of £20, for use in my cur­rent serv­erAfter tak­ing into account that my cur­rent serv­er PSU (an Ener­max Nois­e­Taker 475 from 2004) is approx­im­ately 80% effi­cient rather than the 70% worst case I use in the art­icles, I’m hop­ing to net sav­ings of around £20 per year.

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0PSU LogoPSU Efficiency 4 — Modern gaming PC

This art­icle on PSU effi­ciency for a mod­ern sandy bridge gam­ing PC fol­lows on from 3 pre­vi­ous art­icles, about PSU effi­ciency for a medi­um power serv­er, a medi­um use very high power gam­ing PC and a low power serv­er or HTPC.
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0PSU LogoPSU Efficiency: worth the upgrade? part 3

This is the third install­ment in a series of art­icles address­ing PSU effi­ciency. Art­icle one focused on a [int­link id=“76” type=“post”]theoretical new server[/intlink], art­icle 2 on a [int­link id=“77” type=“post”]typical desktop PC[/intlink].  This art­icle will focus on a cur­rent real serv­er, and intro­duces a new PSU — an 80+ plat­in­um model.
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