Posts Tagged: amazon

0Fixing a slow Amazon Fire HD 8

A couple of xmases ago I bought my bet­ter half an Amazon Fire HD 8 tab­let as she wanted a budget tab­let to read books on at night, and to play free android games like clash of clans. The Fire seemed an ideal option as it would link into her Kindle account without any hassle, and is also android based. It was also pos­sible to get a good sized device with­in the price lim­it we set each other.
ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0Localisation of Amazon Affiliates links

I occa­sion­ally ref­er­ence products on my vari­ous web­sites, and usu­ally link them to Amazon for any­one inter­ested in buy­ing them. A long time ago I used to link with an amazon affil­i­ates link but nev­er earned any­thing from it as my typ­ic­al read­er­ship is well dis­trib­uted around the world. Unfor­tu­nately Amazon don’t provide a way to redir­ect vis­it­ors to their loc­al amazon site whilst retain­ing to affil­i­ates pay­ments. There are vari­ous solu­tions out there but all the ones I found had issues with them, so I developed my own.… ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0Tin full of spamHow to reduce spam with SPF, DKIMDMARC

Since I set up con­tact forms on vari­ous web­sites I’ve had a slowly increas­ing volume of spam. Not dir­ect spam sent to me, but bounces from non-exist­ent addresses that were being spamme, appar­ently from my address. Unfor­tu­nately the spam was­n’t ori­gin­at­ing from my address, but my address was some­how picked up (prob­ably from before I secured the con­tact forms on the site) and was being used as the “reply to” address. After some invest­ig­a­tion I heard about SPF which is an e‑mail anti-for­gery system.

ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ