Posts Tagged: .apk

0Fixing a slow Amazon Fire HD 8

A couple of xmases ago I bought my bet­ter half an Amazon Fire HD 8 tab­let as she wanted a budget tab­let to read books on at night, and to play free android games like clash of clans. The Fire seemed an ideal option as it would link into her Kindle account without any hassle, and is also android based. It was also pos­sible to get a good sized device with­in the price lim­it we set each other.
ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0Google removes ad blocking apps: Get them here

It seems that the formerly “do no evil” google have decided to remove all ad block­ing apps from the Play Store. For­tu­nately it has always been pos­sible to install apps dir­ectly from the APK files — as long as you can find them. The 3 most pop­u­lar ad block­ing apps are still avail­able to down­load in apk format, all you need to do is enable the installing of apps from “unknown sources” some­where in your phones settings.

ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0Samsung Galaxy Note 2Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Mods, Tips, Tweaksmore

I recently wrote about ways to [int­link id=“2872” type=“post”]enhance and tweak[/intlink] the Sam­sung Galaxy S3. Since then my part­ner has acquired a Galaxy Note 2, which is rather like an over­size S3. Now that I’ve had chance to play with it a bit I’ve updated my ori­gin­al art­icle to cov­er the tweaks that work for both phones. Any dif­fer­ences are noted there. I’ve also writ­ten a new art­icle with a guide to [int­link id=“3175” type=“post”]how to root the Note 2[/intlink].  Enjoy.

ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

2Samsung Galaxy S3Samsung Galaxy S3 & Note 2: Mods, tips & tweaks

I’ve had my Galaxy S3 a little over a month already and have slowly been com­pil­ing a worth­while list of tips and tweaks that I use and can recom­mend to oth­er users. I’ve updated the list to include tips for the Galaxy Note 2 which my part­ner now has. Many of these may also apply to oth­er Sam­sung or even oth­er android phones, but some are spe­cif­ic to the galaxy S3 or Galaxy Note 2. By all means try them regard­less of phone and let us know how you get on.… ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ