Posts Tagged: bbc

0True home cinema for a grand

I’ve long had a “home cinema” setup with a fairly budget HTPC, a 50″ plasma TV, and a 4.1 sur­round sys­tem, but when I moved house a year ago I found I no longer had a place in the main fam­ily room to fit the 50″ TV, so had to revert back to the old Sam­sung 32″ 720p CRT that I bought in around 2006. The room has a large bay win­dow with a little recess per­fect for fit­ting a screen, so a plan was born for true home cinema
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Fur­ther to my post yes­ter­day, I dis­covered, via Nigel Des­sau’s blog (closed by AMD since this art­icle was pub­lished), that ATI will be releas­ing a fix for this issue in the Cata­lyst 10.2 (Feb­ru­ary 2010) release. This is fant­ast­ic news, thank you ATI!
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