ਪੋਸਟ ਟੈਗ: bluray

0Media Player Classic - Home Cinema LogoPlay BluRays and DVD’s in MediaCenter with MPC-HC

I’ve long run Win­dows Media Cen­ter on my HTPCs in com­bin­a­tion with DVBLink and Medi­aB­rowser. How­ever, recently we have been watch­ing more phys­ic­al disks than in the past, and I have found vari­ous issues with Media Cen­ter. Usu­ally I have MPC-HC con­figured as an extern­al play­er, but doing this for phys­ic­al disks proved less than simple. Even­tu­ally how­ever, I have man­aged to get it work­ing flawlessly.

ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0VLC logoPlaying BluRays with VLC

There have been a couple of inter­est­ing art­icles on Anandtech in the last couple of days. First was a review of a cheap CEC device by Pulse-Eight which hope­fully sig­nals the arrival of more choice for HTPC remote con­trols. Of great­er interest is the news of a “hack” for VLC which enables the play-back of com­mer­cial (encryp­ted) BluRays. Nightly builds of VLC since 1.2 include sup­port for BluRay play­back. All you need for it to fully func­tion is an AACS keys data­base, a quick google should provide one.