Posts Tagged: cooling

0Antec Fusion Remote HTPC Case LogoCreating a new DIY HTPC from scratch

Pulling togeth­er a lot of pre­vi­ous posts here is a guide on how to build and set up a fully fea­tured DIY HTPC from scratch…
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0Nexus RealSilent 120 Orange Fan LogoStability issues

I’ve been hav­ing some sta­bil­ity issues with my HTPC recently. A rein­stall did­n’t help so I con­cluded it was hard­ware. Remov­ing all non essen­tials did­n’t help either so I figured it must be CPU, memory or mobo related. Noth­ing is over­clocked or tweaked and its all fairly recent brand name kit. I stress tested the CPU and memory without caus­ing either to fail, but I con­tin­ued to get occa­sion­al lockups and inter­mit­tent slug­gish performance.
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0PC Hardware CPU RAM UpgradeDon’t use too much TIM!

A quick note of warn­ing about apply­ing Thermal Grease / Heat­sink Com­pound to CPU’s. Don’t use loads! Not only will it not work very effect­ively, if you really go over­board it can leak over the sides of the cpu and get under­neath as it has in the image. This CPU (A pen­ti­um 4) was giv­en to me as “I think its broken”.
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