ਪੋਸਟ ਟੈਗ: ffdshow

2FFmpeg LogoFFDShow DXVA H.264 corruption resolved

I have recently been suf­fer­ing cor­rup­tion play­ing back some H.264 files with FFD­Show try­outs. After a bit of exper­i­ment­ing I’ve found that the last build without this issue is build 3949 from 24th-July. I pre­vi­ously had issues with earli­er releases of FFD­Show that[int­link id=“1414” type=“post”]didn\‘t work with DXVA[/intlink] at all — for­tu­nately build 3949 does­n’t suf­fer this issue. I also[int­link id=“919” type=“post”]previously had a problem[/intlink] where some builds of FFD­Show were less effi­cient on my HTPC and were unable to smoothly decode some high bitrate movies, e.g. a rip of the Inglori­ous Bas­terds Blu-Ray, which has forced me to con­tin­ue to use an old build from mid-2010 until now. Build 3949 does­n’t suf­fer from these issues either — so in terms of the 3 prob­lems I’ve had over the years with ffd­show, build 3949 does­n’t suf­fer from any of them, mak­ing it my build of choice for the fore­see­able future.

0FFmpeg Logoffdshow DXVA fixed

DXVA in ffd­show, which was [int­link id=“937” type=“post”]broken for the last few builds[/intlink], appears to have been fixed, at least in the 3878 x64 build from 11th June.

0FFmpeg LogoDXVA problem with recent releases of ffdshow

The most recent releases of the ffd­show try­outs seem to have broken DXVA sup­port. Until the prob­lem gets fixed I recom­mend stick­ing to your cur­rent release, or going back to ffdshow_rev3785_20110323_clsid_x64 or ffdshow_rev3721_20110107_clsid_icl10

0FFmpeg LogoUnsolved: Decoding interlaced vc1 in Media Center x64

Whilst my MediaPC setup can decode just about everything thrown at it, I have had prob­lems decod­ing inter­laced VC1 con­tent. The prob­lem is caused by the fail­ure of ffm­peg to sup­port inter­laced vc1. Whilst there are oth­er codecs (e.g. cyber­link or arc­soft) these are cur­rently not avail­able as x64. Cyber­link do have an x64 codec for h.264 and mpeg2, but I haven’t been able to get it to work with VC1 con­tent. Hope­fully ffm­peg will fix inter­laced vc1 sup­port soon, but as its been on the to do list for over 2 years I’m not hold­ing my breath

0Antec Fusion Remote HTPC Case LogoCreating a new DIY HTPC from scratch

Pulling togeth­er a lot of pre­vi­ous posts here is a guide on how to build and set up a fully fea­tured DIY HTPC from scratch…
ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0Quizdom LogoQuizdom tablet “video capture” not working

I was asked to invest­ig­ate why some video cap­ture util­ity which is part of the soft­ware pack­age for the Quiz­dom Tab­let was­n’t load­ing cor­rectly on a par­tic­u­lar laptop. Invest­ig­a­tion revealed that quiz­dom used the XviD codec and installs it as part of its setup routine. The laptop in ques­tion already had a video codec installed that was cap­able of decod­ing XviD videos, and this pri­or codec had a high­er mer­it than the XviD nat­ive codec installed by quiz­dom. Dis­abling XviD sup­port in this codec proved to be the solu­tion. Any­one with the stan­dalone MPC-HC codecs or ffd­show installed may come across this problem

1Closed Captions Subtitles LogoSubtitles and DXVA in Windows Media Center 7 x64

Thanks to a guide on theHTPC.net I have been able to get sub­titles work­ing with hard­ware accel­er­ated decod­ing in Win­dows Media Cen­ter 7 x64.

For this sim­pli­fied guide to work you must already be com­fort­able with the vari­ous tweaks neces­sary to change the default codecs used in Media Cen­ter. Once you know how to tweak codecs (and change their mer­its) you can simply fol­low these steps…
ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0FFmpeg LogoMedia center basic codec tweaks

Fol­low­ing on from my [int­link id=“49” type=“post”]previous post list­ing details of the addins and apps[/intlink] that I use with my media cen­ter PC here are the details of the basic set of codec tweaks I use to enable max­im­um file com­pat­ib­lity with DXVA sup­port enabled…
ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

5FFmpeg LogoMedia Codecs and Utilities for Windows 7 x64

Here is a quick list of links to use­ful x64 codecs and related util­it­ies that are com­pat­ible with Win­dows 7 x64 (64-Bit) edition…
ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ