Posts Tagged: flash

0Flash Flv LogoFlash Player 11: Official 64bit

Adobe Flash Play­er 11 has been released. It finally brings offi­cial 64bit sup­port in an all-in-one installer for both 64 and 32bit. Hard­ware accel­er­a­tion is also now included. Good work Adobe, lets just hope there are less secur­ity issues than in the past.

0Flash Flv LogoPlaying downloaded FLV’s

I recently had a prob­lem with 2 PCs which appeared to be con­figured identic­ally, but whilst one would play a FLV down­loaded from you­tube, the oth­er would fail. Some oth­er FLVs played OK on both sys­tems. After much fur­ther invest­ig­a­tion I dis­covered that the act­iveX ver­sion of flash play­er on 1 of the PC’s was up-to-date, but on the oth­er was not.
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