ਪੋਸਟ ਟੈਗ: hack

0Samsung Galaxy Note 2Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Mods, Tips, Tweaksmore

I recently wrote about ways to [int­link id=“2872” type=“post”]enhance and tweak[/intlink] the Sam­sung Galaxy S3. Since then my part­ner has acquired a Galaxy Note 2, which is rather like an over­size S3. Now that I’ve had chance to play with it a bit I’ve updated my ori­gin­al art­icle to cov­er the tweaks that work for both phones. Any dif­fer­ences are noted there. I’ve also writ­ten a new art­icle with a guide to [int­link id=“3175” type=“post”]how to root the Note 2[/intlink].  Enjoy.

ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0VLC logoPlaying BluRays with VLC

There have been a couple of inter­est­ing art­icles on Anandtech in the last couple of days. First was a review of a cheap CEC device by Pulse-Eight which hope­fully sig­nals the arrival of more choice for HTPC remote con­trols. Of great­er interest is the news of a “hack” for VLC which enables the play-back of com­mer­cial (encryp­ted) BluRays. Nightly builds of VLC since 1.2 include sup­port for BluRay play­back. All you need for it to fully func­tion is an AACS keys data­base, a quick google should provide one.