ਪੋਸਟ ਟੈਗ: icons

32Windows Icons: Full list with details, locations & images

Good qual­ity icons and images, espe­cially ones with an alpha trans­par­ency can be time con­sum­ing to make, and are often also hard to find. One source of lots of high qual­ity icons in a range of sizes is Win­dows. Win­dows 7 includes lots of icons which can be use­ful as the major­ity are avail­able in sizes from 16×16 up to 256×256, and come with alpha trans­par­ency. You may have noticed that we use some on our down­loads page — they’re handy to quickly indic­ate file type. Win­dows stores most of its icons inside exe and dll files which makes them inac­cess­ible to stand­ard image manip­u­la­tion applic­a­tions like Pho­toshop. How­ever, once they have been loc­ated they can eas­ily be extrac­ted with the free­ware util­ity IcoFX. Track­ing some of them down seems to be the trick­i­er part. Below is a quick ref­er­ence for the loc­a­tions of many of the icons avail­able on Win­dows 7. I will peri­od­ic­ally add more details and any extra icon lib­rar­ies I dis­cov­er to this list.
ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0Google MapsExtra Google Maps Icons

I fre­quently use google maps, and have cre­ated quite a few cus­tom maps. I par­tic­u­larly like using the place­mark icons with the stand­ard col­ours, rather than the cus­tom shape icons. How­ever, there are only 2 types, in 7 col­ours, for a total of 14, which is fre­quently insuf­fi­cient.… ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ

0Media Browser LogoMediaBrowser MediaInfo custom icons

Today I stumbled upon an addi­tion­al cus­tom­isa­tion for Media Browser. Cus­tom icons for the inform­a­tion provided by the Medi­aInfo plu­gin. They can be down­loaded dir­ectly from the Media Browser forums