Posts Tagged: pci-e

0Via Mini-ITX 2 LogoDual PCI‑E Mini-ITX set-top HTPC

This is a quick fol­low up to a pre­vi­ous post about [int­link id=“1340” type=“post”]dual slot Mini-ITX systems[/intlink] with the details of a poten­tial sys­tem I’m hop­ing to build for a bed­room.… Read Full Article

17Via Mini-ITX 2 LogoDual-Tuner Mini-ITX Build?

After dis­cus­sions on a [int­link id=“919” type=“post”]recent article[/intlink] I wondered if it is pos­sible to build a set-top box sized HTPC with dual-tuner cards inside. To achieve set-top box size means going Mini-ITX, but with the release of a range of Mini ITX AMD Fusion boards this is the easy part. Mini-ITX nor­mally only includes 1 expan­sion slot, so to include 2 tuners requires a cre­at­ive solution.
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