Posts Tagged: pins

7HTC Desire Android LogoFixed: HTC Desire charging slowly from car charger

I have an HTC Desire, which I fre­quently use as a Sat Nav sys­tem. I have a car char­ger, but this is often barely able to keep pace with the power draw of the phone. This seemed strange as the offi­cial HTC wall-wart char­ger that came with the phone can fully-char­ger the bat­tery quite quickly. I did some research and dis­covered that the HTC wall char­ger has the USB data pins (pins 2 and 3) shor­ted. The phone detects this and increases the total power it draws whilst char­ging.… ਪੂਰਾ ਲੇਖ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ