ਪੋਸਟ ਟੈਗ: wtv

14MC-TVConverterMC-TVConverter: An alternative to MCEBuddy?

I’ve been fol­low­ing the devel­op­ment of MCE­Buddy for a while now, as it was the only free way to transcode WTV files to a more com­pat­ible format. It is still in Beta how­ever, and whilst it works it has 2 down­sides to my mind. It transcodes the video which means an inev­it­able loss of qual­ity, and this also means it takes a long time to transcode each record­ing. Around 4 hours for a 1Hr BBC HD record­ing on my Sem­pron LE-1100 serv­er.… Read Full Article

0MCEBuddy LogoMCEBuddy — v2 Beta 14

MCE­Buddy 2 Beta 14 has been released. It’s the first release in a long time that is a com­plete pro­gram. It also includes offi­cial x64 sup­port. There are still some major issues remain­ing, but with­in those lim­its it should be an excel­lent solu­tion for con­vert­ing wtv files and strip­ping adverts from them.

2MCEBuddy LogoMCEBuddy Reloaded: h264 wtv conversion

I have wanted the facil­ity to con­vert my recor­ded WTV files to anoth­er format for as long as I’ve had a MediaPC. The lead can­did­ate has always been MCE­Buddy, but for over 2 years the pro­ject was stalled (as far as the user was con­cerned at least) by prob­lems sup­port­ing h264 video inside wtv files.… Read Full Article