ਪੋਸਟ ਟੈਗ: xp

0Internet Explorer 9 LogoIE10 for Windows 7 finally arrives

Anoth­er item that we’re a bit late to cov­er is the arrival of Inter­net Explorer 10 for Win­dows 7 (and Serv­er 2008 R2).  As with past releases, older OSes are being left behind with no sup­port for Vista or XP, which are stuck on IE9 and IE8 respect­ively. If you have Win­dows 7 we recom­mend upgrad­ing (even if you don’t use IE) and of course there is no harm giv­ing it a try. We’ll prob­ably be stick­ing with Fire­fox and Chrome ourselves, but IE some­times has its uses.

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0Internet Explorer 9 LogoUnattended IE7 & IE8 during Windows XP setup

Over the years I’ve cre­ated quite a few unat­ten­ded Win­dows install­a­tion disks. One of the toughest prob­lems to solve has been how to install Inter­net Explorer 7 (and now 8 ) dur­ing setup without caus­ing post-setup prob­lems. The prob­lem is caused by the way the install­a­tion routine cre­ates files in the dllcache which get over-writ­ten by win­dows setup.
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