I’ve had a very long standing problem where mapped drives on Windows পিসি are shown as disconnected after a PC wakes from sleep or after a reboot. Clicking to open the drive results in a delay of several seconds and then the share opens. I had this problem with Windows 7 right through to Windows 10 1909. Today, thanks to a different issue, I finally cracked it.
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ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস আপডেট উন্নতি
I’ve had an issue for a while now where installing wordpress updates doesn’t show any messages or progress. The updates generally do install but it is tricky to know when the updates have finished. There are a few threads online with possible solutions but most of them haven’t been helpful in my case.
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উইন্ডোজ 10 64 বিট দিয়ে পুরানো স্ক্যানার কাজ করা
Many years back I wrote an article about how to get old scanners working with Windows 7 x64. I recently upgraded the PC connected to the scanners to Windows 10 and was faced with the same challenge all over again. Amazingly the same tricks worked and both scanners are now working! Below I detail precisely how to achieve this.
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ওয়েবসাইট টেস্টিং টুলস
I am constantly working on both my websites and my web server stack with the aim of it being fast, reliable and secure. New technologies and new vulnerabilities mean a constanyl moving target and sometimes things that have been previously fixed can recur. As well as maintaining articles about many fixes, এবং একটি সাইট আপডেট লগ ইন করুন, I use a range of website testing tools. As this list has grown it has reached a point where I felt the need to document the services I use
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ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস চাক্ষুষ কাজ করছে না সম্পাদক
I’ve had an issue for a little while where the wordpress visual editor button stopped working. The code editor was fine, and the button for the visual editor is present but clicking on it has no effect. After much fiddling around I finally discovered it was being broken by my Content Security Policy!
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ওয়েবসাইটের জন্য প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল পশ্চাদপট চিত্র
I’ve recently been updating my websites and web server and adding a new site (LoveCrete.org). I wanted to have a background image on LoveCrete and realised that of course 1 size doesn’t fit all screens. Here is a summary of what my thinking was and what I did to cater for the numerous screen sizes and orientations.
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নতুন ইমেজ কম্প্রেশন সরঞ্জাম পরীক্ষা করা
I’ve been using EWWW image optimiser to compress all of my কোন JPEG এবং PNG images on this site for several years. EWWW makes use of OptiPng and PngOut and whilst these are powerful tools there are alternatives out there now that I wanted to test and compare.
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সনি ভাইও ভিপিসিএসবিতে টাচপ্যাড সেটিংস
My old man has a Sony Vaio VPCSB laptop, a 13.3″ model that is now about 10 years old but thanks to an এসএসডি and extra র্যাম is still more than adequate for today’s demands. I recently upgraded it to Windows 10, despite no help at all from Sony, and ran into an issue with the touchpad having all the silly Windows 10 swiping and scrolling turned on by default with no obvious way to turn it off.
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পিএইচপি সঠিকভাবে sendmail ব্যর্থ dmarc
আমি একটি চালানো ভিপিএস which hosts several domains. Sending mail from these domains has always been tricky. আমি দীর্ঘ ব্যবহার করেছি ডাব্লু SMTP এর Mail plugin for wordpress to work around this, but I wanted to get a proper fix. After much reading I found a proper solution
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ঘুম এবং Intel 82567LM -3 সঙ্গে WOL
আমার কিছু পুরানো ইউএসএফএফ ডেল অপটিপ্লেক্স আছে 760 পিসি যার একটি অন্তর্নির্মিত Intel 82567LM‑3 গিগাবিট ইথারনেট সংযোগ রয়েছে. উভয় Sleep-এর সাথে কাজ করার জন্য এই অ্যাডাপ্টারটি পাওয়া যাচ্ছে (S3 থেকে সাসপেন্ড করুন র্যাম) এবং SAL (LAN এ ওয়েক) খুব চতুর প্রমাণিত হয়েছে. পিসিটি মূলত উইন্ডোজ ভিস্তার সাথে এসেছিল এবং একটি বিজনেস ক্লাস পিসি হিসাবে আপনি এটি আশা করবেন 2 কাজ করার বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলি কিন্তু তাদের কাজ করার জন্য এটি সর্বদা একটি যুদ্ধ হয়েছে.
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”