DIY وسائل الإعلام الرئيسية الشعار

الموقع النهائي لتصميم وإنشاء مسرح منزلي الخاص ومرحبا فاي الإعداد الخاصة.

0ستارك يغطي شعارأغطية بديلة لStarkCovers

A very quick one to drop in a link to some altern­at­ive cov­ers I’ve made for Stark­Cov­ers which are avail­able from the [int­link id=“741” type=“page”]التنزيلات[/intlink] page. The basic reas­on for these is that I liked the look of the 3D cov­ers, but found the angle of them suf­fi­ciently severe as to make it dif­fi­cult to tell what some films were. I’ve basic­ally twis­ted them to a dif­fer­ent angle and replaced the 3D3 cov­ers with this new ver­sion. Simply replace the con­tents of the ori­gin­al 3D3 folder with the con­tents of the linked archive.

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