Estive try-ing para resolver uma enorm-ous (100+GB) ou recursos de ensino que eu construí-up ao longo dos anos. Após os passos óbvios (delet-mento vazio, temperatura e arquivos duplica-ciado) e classificar-ção das grandes arquivos (por exemplo. vídeos, instaladores aplicáveis-a-ção) Fiquei com um grande número de documentos de escritório. Estou trabalhando lentamente através destes, mas muitos deles são 2003 ou documentos de formato ainda mais antigos - alguns tão antiga quanto a Palavra 6! Toda vez que abrir um desses arquivos sou solicitado com vários avisos de segurança. Whist estes podem ser desligados (see below) é mais seguro para deixá-los em, e eu queria converter todos os arquivos para escritório 2007 (docx, xlsx etc) formatos. A conversão do grupo foi definitivamente o caminho a percorrer.
There are several advantages to conversion beyond the problems with security warnings. Documents saved in the newer formats are significantly smaller, e como eles são baseados em formatos abertos, are much more compatible, por exemplo. with google docs and open office. This may prove very advantageous in the future. I discovered that the size reduction alone makes going to the trouble worthwhile — first 220 word documents i converted were reduced from 63Mb to 25Mb. You may think saving 175k per file isn’t worthwhile, mas se você tiver 110,000 arquivos (como eu fiz) you will save around 18Gb — a big saving if you’re using a a USB Pen drive, older external HDD ou SSD systemdrive.
Microsoft offer a utility called OFC to batch convert office documents so this seemed the obvious way to proceed. OFC is part of the Microsoft Office Migration Planning Manager. To utilise it fully you will also need to download the Escritório 2007 Compatibility Pack, which includes lots of file-format converters. Install the compatibility pack first, then run the installer for the migration planning manager. You will be prompted to pick a location to extract to — I’d put it in your documents or downloads folder as it makes file editing easier.
To run the converter you simply open the extracted path, open the tools directory and run ofc.exe. However, You wont achieve much this way as OFC doesn’t have a GUI — it uses ini files. There will be an OFC.ini file included in the tools folder as an example. You will need to edit it — you can use notepad or any text editor to do so.
There are actually lots of options for configuring ofc.ini, but I’m just interested in converting all the files in a particular folder (and subfolders) into newer file formats. To do this make the following edits. Isto irá owrk com trajeto de-profundidades de até 9 subfolders deep — there seems to be a bug that prevents it working beyond that.
FullUpgradeOnOpen = 1
CABLogs = 0
MacroControl = 0
fldr = full-path-to-your-pasta-with-arrastando-slash
ConvertSubfolders = 1
Note — If you just want to disable security warnings (por exemplo. em palavra) em seguida, consulte o helpful instructions fornecida pela Microsoft.
Graças à Eric White for the initial links and clues
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”