You may have noticed that we’ve tweaked how we display our adsense ads. We wanted some small text-only ads near the bottom of each article, which would be added automatically. This took a little bit of tinkering, but eventually we developed a solution which works well and doesn’t seem to knock page processing times much. Simply add the following code to your theme’s functions.php (لا تحصل على مقابل لتغيير معرفات في AdSense) ... اقرأ المقال كاملاً
المشاركات المصنفة: وورد
ضبط بسهولة والد ورد تعليق
As is documented in the site update log, for a while we had a problem with our theme where it wasn’t possible to reply to a comment so that the reply would appear correctly in a threaded way. We have no fixed this problem, but have been left with a significant number of comments which really need editing so it is easier to see what they are in reply to. With a standard wordpress install this requires going into the database and editing there, which is very tedious. Instead, we’ve used some simple functions to add an option to the comment-edit admin page, to set the comment parent there. Eventually this will be developed into a proper plugin to enable this functionality. For now the code is below, مجرد إضافته إلى functions.php موضوع الخاص بك
تعليقات على غرار من Jetpack دون من Jetpack
One of the best things about wordpress is the built-in social aspect provided by comments. Getting your comment section right can be very important to any website, including ours. Over the years we’ve experimented with various comment plugins including Disqus and more recently Jetpack. However, we’ve always ended up bring things back in house for management, performance and privacy reasons. When I moved back from Jetpack comments I really missed some of the slick features provided by Jetpack, both the social-network logins and the general slick styling. Anyway, to cut a long story short I finally had time today to take a good look at how wordpress “does” comments and figure out a way to build an in-house system which looks nice and slick like the comment interface provided by jetpack. Best of all its surprisingly simple and does things the “proper” way…
... اقرأ المقال كاملاً
كود القصاصات الغنية للموضوع عشرون عشر
لقد سبق تفصيله رمز لتمكين المقتطفات المنسقة في مختلف الموضوعات وورد ([intlink id=“2948” type=“post”]أحجية 2[/intlink], [intlink id=“2949” type=“post”]أحجية 3[/intlink], [intlink id=“2468” type=“post”]أطروحة[/intlink] & [intlink id=“3017” type=“post”]أحب[/intlink]) وكذلك بعض [intlink id=“1520” type=“post”]generic instructions[/intlink]. وفيما يلي مجموعة من التعديلات لتمكين مقتطفات المنسقة في وورد المدمج في الحادي عشر موضوع.
المقتطفات المنسقة رمز لموضوع البيانات غوستا
لقد غطت سابقا التعديلات موضوع مقتطفات المنسقة لمختلف المواضيع بما في ذلك [intlink id=“2948” type=“post”]أحجية 2[/intlink], [intlink id=“2949” type=“post”]أحجية 3[/intlink], [intlink id=“2468” type=“post”]أطروحة[/intlink] & [intlink id=“3015” type=“post”]الحادي عشر[/intlink] وكذلك بعض [intlink id=“1520” type=“post”]generic instructions[/intlink]. وفيما يلي تفاصيل عن رمز لكيفية التحقق من صحة قصاصات الغنية في البيانات غوستا التي كتبها كوزموس موضوع.
المقتطفات المنسقة رمز الإصدار 3.x الغموض
I’ve previously written about rich snippets code for[intlink id=“2948” type=“post”]أحجية 2[/intlink]. There are also[intlink id=“1520” type=“post”]generic instructions[/intlink] and code for the themes [intlink id=“3015” type=“post”]twenty eleven[/intlink], [intlink id=“3017” type=“post”]أحب[/intlink] و [intlink id=“2468” type=“post”]أطروحة[/intlink]. Below is updated code for Mystique 3
كود القصاصات الغنية عن الإصدار 2.x سحرها
In addition to this site I have a personal blog حيث, amongst other things, I post recipes. I’ve recently discovered google’s new recipe search, and have been looking to implement support for microformats / البيانات الجزئية. Google provide a tool for checking your markup, called the “الغنية القصاصة مسموح جي اختبار أداة". When I tried validating one of my recipes, I encountered various errors, which have taken me a while to track down and resolve. ... اقرأ المقال كاملاً
ثابت: أخطاء PHP إهمال في لوحة القيادة وورد
Earlier today I updated our test site, in preparation for rolling updates out to the main site. This involved updating several plugins and replacing the “BeforeTheDeadline” plugin with Jetpack. After completing the updates I found I was getting several error messages on the dashboard, تحت عنوان "روابط واردة" لوحة القيادة القطعة, بل وأكثر الأخطاء عندما حاولت تفريغ مخابئ W3 إجمالي الكاش.
القصاصات الغنية رمز لموضوع الأطروحة
وردا على الاستعلام عن طريق داركو Kovancives على مقالتي السابقة حول[intlink id=“1520” type=“post”]fixing Rich Snippets code for the Mystique theme[/intlink] لدينا حل القضايا نفسها مع موضوع الرسالة. تفاصيل التغييرات المطلوبة أدناه. ... اقرأ المقال كاملاً
أحجية 3 موضوع: كاملة وظيفة ومقتطفات
لقد تم في محاولة لمعرفة كيفية عرض المشاركات كامل على الصفحة الرئيسية, ومقتطفات عن جميع المحفوظات لعن 3 days. This is nice because it means a decent amount of each post is shown on the front page, whilst archive pages contain a much more concise summary of each post. This is better both for humans, وأيضا ل هذا - صفحات أرشيف بلدي الآن ليس لديها محتوى مكرر من صفحتي الرئيسية!
I’ve finally produced a solution. It’s not especially elegant, but I’ve been at the very limit of my بي أتش بي knowledge just to achieve this method. This applies specifically to the Mystique 3 موضوع, other themes are likely to vary, although some of this information may or may not prove relevant. If you are trying or succeed in doing the same to a different theme do drop a comment in.… اقرأ المقال كاملاً
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”