2Logo Windows Media Center eHomeConfiguração completa codec 7MC

Tenho postado anteriormente várias vezes sobre questões de codec no 7mc, mas eu agora tenho uma solução que seja abrangente, bastante simples e funciona de forma consistente. Com alguns codecs livres e utilitários que você pode ter suporte a decodificação completa, DXVA, legendas e flexibilidade fantástica que trabalham em 64 bits (ou de 32 bits) Media Center. As instruções a seguir são específicos para a edição x64, mas deve funcionar tão bem na edição de 32 bits.
1. Down­load and install ffdshow

2. Con­fig­ure ffd­show settings

  • Tweak any ffd­show set­tings you want — remem­ber to do it for both x32 and x64 ver­sions — e.g. I use the “mix­er” to out­put ste­reo music to my sub­woof­er as well as the main speak­ers. I also enable lots of addi­tion­al codecs in the video configuration
  • Aberto DXVA configuração do descodificador de vídeo
  • Click on hard­ware accel­er­a­tion in the menu on the left
  • Tick ​​H264 e VC1
  • Set “post pro­cessing” to “Sur­face overlay”
  • Click on sub­titles in the menu on the left
  • Marque a caixa na parte superior
  • Repita o procedimento para o x64 DXVA configuração do descodificador de vídeo

3. Now dis­able the in-built Microsoft Medi­aFound­a­tion codecs (nota: este does­n’t quebrar ao vivo TV) e substituí-los com ffdshow

  • down­load the win7dsfiltertweaker
  • Run the fil­ter tweaker
  • na primeira página, select ffd­show (DXVA) where pos­sible, and plain ffd­show for all oth­ers where pos­sible, tanto para 32 e 64 bits.
  • Clique em Aplicar e OK quaisquer avisos
  • on the next page tick all the boxes to dis­able MF and click apply
  • no 3terceiro page tick the bot­tom 2 caixas (dis­able MF and dis­able MF 64bit) e clique em Aplicar.
  • A saída OK
  • Abra o regedit e navegue até [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionMedia CenterDecoder]
  • Excluir todas as entradas que estão presentes

4. Agora instale os divisores necessários

  • Down-load divisor Media Haali
  • Down­load the MPC-HC stan­dalone codecs em ambos x 64 e x32
  • Instale Haali e permitir MPEG-TS
  • Extrai-se a MPC-HC codecs
  • On x64 sys­tems copy the x64 split­ter files to system32 and the x32 files to the syswow64 folder. on x32 sys­tems just copy the x32 files to system32.
  • The split­ter files to copy are as fol­lows: AviSplitter.ax, FLVS­plit­ter, MatroskaS­plit­ter, MP4Splitter, mPEG Splitter.
  • There are oth­er split­ter files which you can also copy and register (see below) mas eu não precisava deles
  • Register the split­ter files as fol­lows: open an elev­ated com­mand prompt, for each file you copied run the com­mand “regsvr32 file­name”. If you are on x64 win­dows change dir­ect­ory from system32 to syswow64 and repeat the registering

5. Use tweaks Registro para usar o MPC-HC split­ter for most files and Haali for .mkv and .m2t files

  • Abra o regedit e navegue até [TypeExtensions HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTMedia]
  • Verifique se os seus são chaves para .m2ts, .ts, .mp4, .mkv, .m2t and cre­ate any new keys that are required
  • Inside each key check that their is a string with the name “Source Filter”
  • Set the value of source fil­ter for .m2ts, .ts e .mp4 para {1365BE7A-C86A-473C-9A41-C0A6E82C9FA3}
  • Set the value of source fil­ter for .mkv and .m2t to {55DA30FC-F16B-49FC-BAA5-AE59FC65F82D}

6. Ativar ogg e áudio flac

  • Down­load the xiph ogg­co­decs tanto para x32 e x64
  • instale ambos
  • Down-load WMPTag-Plus — oth­er tag extenders don’t seem to work so well
  • Dis­able the x64 Media Play­er by renam­ing the folder “Win­dows Media Play­er” inside the Pro­gram Files folder (on x64 win­dows only!) and then cre­ate a new “Win­dows Media Play­er” folder. copy the con­tents of the “Win­dows Media Play­er” folder from the “Pro­gram Files (x86)” to your new folder. This forces Media Cen­ter to use the Media Play­er 32bit engine for music — which sup­ports the tag extender. Once a 64bit tag extender is avail­able this will no longer be necessary

7. Reinicie o computador e você está pronto para ir.
Any .m2ts files that don’t play back prop­erly rename the exten­sion to .m2t (which as far as win­dows is con­cerned is the same).  This will change the split­ter used and should resolve any play­back problems.

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yet anoth­er set­ting that did­n’t work for me, sigh.… avi plays fine, but still no sub­titles (WMP). mp4 não tem som, nenhum vídeo (WMP) — obvi­ously, can­’t tell wheth­er sub­titles are work­ing or not. mkv starts play­ing video and audio fine (em apenas mpc-hc, WMP não vai jogá-lo em tudo), shows double sub­titles, then with­in seconds video slows down and finally freezes.:/

JSJon Scaife

Este é agora quase 2 anos! As coisas mudaram desde. Get the latest ver­sions of ffd­show try­outs, lav split­ter and the Wn7DSFilterTweaker (all linked on the down­loads page). Install ffd­show and lav, and then use the fil­ter tweak­er to dis­able Microsoft’s media-found­a­tion stuff and set ffd­show as the defaults.
You’ll need to turn on sub­titles in ffd­show set­tings but that should work spot on with everything. Eu tenho TS, M2TS, MKV, MP4, AVI, MPEG, WMV, arquivos WTV codificado em tipos al de formatos e tudo isso funciona.
Why do you par­tic­u­larly want to use Win­dows Media Play­er? — there are plenty of oth­er media play­er apps. Ou você quer dizer Media Center?
