One of the most irritating things in FRAU Outlook is the reading pane. Es ist nicht nur standardmäßig aktiviert, but according to Microsoft there is no way to change this default. Gut, I beg to differ.…
Below are specific instructions for Outlook 2007. Other versions of outlook will no doubt differ slightly, but it should be possible to find the same settings
- Open outlook
- Wählen Sie den Haupt / Stammordner für Ihre E-Mails (usually the inbox)
- Öffnen Sie das Menü "Ansichten", and expand the “current view” menu
- At the bottom click on “define views”
- Select the line which says “messages” (or if you use imap select the “imap messages” line)
- Klicken Sie auf ändern
- click the “other settings” button
- change the radio button option for the reading pane to “off” (wird es standardmäßig auf "Rechts")
- Klicken Sie auf OK / apply to each window in turn
Kredit und various posters on
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”