Recentemente, adquiri algumas placas de gerenciamento de rede APC de segunda mão (um AP9617 e AP9630). Ambos tinham IPs estáticos definidos (i. eles não receberam um endereço do DHCP) então, para acessar a interface da web, eu precisava localizá-los.
With the AP9630 one option is just to reset it (press a paperclip or similar into the reset hole and hold for 20+ segundos) but this doesn’t work for all cards (por exemplo. it didn’t work for the AP9617)
The easiest way to connect the card up to my network with an ethernet cable, then install Wireshark. Double click on your main network connection to monitor the traffic on it and then in the “apply a display filter” field at the top enter the followingeth.src[0:3]==00:C0:B7
You might then have to wait 2–3 minutes. Or alternatively try unplugging and replugging the network cable from the management card. You should see a “who has x.x.x.x” entry appear fairly soon. The source of the request (which will likely be x.x.x.y) é o IP of the card. To connect to it you just set a manual IP for your own network card on the same range with a different ending — x.x.x.z
This works because the first part of the MAC address of all APC cards is 00:c0:B7 and you’re unlikely to have any others on your network. If you do have others on your network then just use a network cable directly connected between your NIC and the network management card and do the same process.
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”