0Images by Name Studios LogoMissing studios from IBN project

Below is a list I’m slowly com­pil­ing of Movie Stu­dio logos that are miss­ing from the [int­link id=“2659” type=“post”]Images By Name project[/intlink]. I hope to even­tu­ally loc­ate sources for them all and at a con­veni­ent point will sub­mit them to the project.

Crossed-out items are now included in the avail­able down­loads. Grey items are items that are altern­at­ive names for exist­ing stu­di­os — these can be added by duplic­at­ing the rel­ev­ant folder and renam­ing it.

1492 Pic­tures
21 Laps Entertainment
2929 Pro­duc­tions
Adam & Eve Productions
Alli­ance Com­mu­nic­a­tions Corporation
Asia Uni­on Film & Enter­tain­ment Ltd.
AVCO Embassy Pictures
Bazmark Films
Beacon Communications
Beech Hill Films
Black Rhino Productions
Blind­ing Edge Pictures
Blue­print Pictures
Brit­ish Broad­cast­ing Cor­por­a­tion (BBC)
Car­olco Inter­na­tion­al N.V.
Carpath­i­an Pictures
Celandine Films
Char­toff-Wink­ler Productions
Columbia Pic­tures Corporation
Cross­bow Productions
Dav­id Foster Productions
De Line Pictures
Depth of Field Productions
Don­ners’ Company
Dune Enter­tain­ment III
Fantasy Films
Fox 2000 Pictures
Fox Atom­ic
Fox Filmes do Brasil
Gramercy Pic­tures (I)
Gros­ven­or Park Productions
Happy Madis­on Productions
Icarus Productions
Indi­an Paintbrush
Ingeni­ous Film Partners
Lee Daniels Entertainment
Left Turn Films
Liberty Films UK
Live Enter­tain­ment
Lun­ar Industries
Mal­paso Com­panyThe
Metro-Gold­wyn-May­er (MGM)
MID Foundation
Mobra Films
MTV Europe
MTV Films Europe
New Star
NPV Entertainment
O2 Filmes
Odys­sey Entertainment
Para­mount Vantage
Par­ti­cipant Productions
Peer­ford Ltd.
Poly­Gram Filmed Entertainment
Radi­ant Productions
Rev­el­a­tions Entertainment
Scott Free Productions
Sec­tion Eight
Smoke­wood Enter­tain­ment Group
Som­mers Com­panyThe
Stage 6 Films
Stillk­ing Films
Sun Canada Productions
The UK Film & TV Pro­duc­tion Company
Voltage Pictures
Walt Dis­ney Television
Warner Inde­pend­ent Pic­tures (WIP)
Xin­gu Films

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