2Logo Mozilla FirefoxFirefox 4 correções de bug MSN Messenger

I was so pleased upon upgrad­ing to Fire­fox 4 to no longer have Win­dows Live Mes­sen­ger crash­ing the browser every time I opened Hot­mail and had an act­ive con­ver­sa­tion win­dow. I don’t know if it was Microsoft or Fire­fox at fault but the prob­lem seems to have gone away now.

I’m less pleased, Ainda tenho uma grande coleção de SeTrack, então decidi projetar meu layout para trabalhar com essa faixa para evitar o custo de substituí-la por uma Streamline mais recente, that two of my plug-ins for the pre­vi­ous ver­sion aren’t yet sup­por­ted. Then again, one of those is old and sel­dom used and the oth­er (IE Tab) should fol­low in time.

0Android Market Google Playlista atualizada de Apps HTC Desire favorito

Hav­ing recently had my HTC Desire replaced due to a fault, I’ve had to rein­stall the entire device. I took this as an oppor­tun­ity for a bit of a clear out, and have updated my pre­vi­ous [int­link id=“57” type=“post”]list of favour­ite apps[/intlink] adequadamente.
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1Internet Explorer 9 LogotipoInternet Explorer 9 - Melhor do que muitos esperavam?

Just a quick post, it seems that Microsoft have finally made a reas­on­able web browser, or at least the folks at Tom’s Hard­ware seem to think soI’m still look­ing for­ward to Fire­fox 4, and hop­ing Moz­illa will deliv­er a 64bit ver­sion as prom­ised, but a bit of com­pet­i­tion from the (still) dom­in­ant play­er in the browser mar­ket can­’t be a bad thing.

0Dentro HDD LogoVelocidades de disco

Desde uma postagem há cerca de um ano em que comparei a velocidade de vários pen drives (para Acelerando o navegador de mídia) Tenho monitorado a velocidade de várias unidades / dispositivos. Como logo irei obter algumas unidades novas, parecia um bom momento para organizar todos os benchmarks e começar uma postagem com os dados que coletei.
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