0logotipo Haali MatroskaProblemas com DS divisores jogando uma série de arquivos m2ts

Desde que as configurações de um HTPC executando Win7 Media Center, tenho tido problemas ocasionais ao reproduzir arquivos m2ts. ffdshow suporta todos os codecs usados ​​em arquivos m2ts, mas ainda há alguns arquivos de jogar sem sem áudio ou vídeo, ou a reprodução não é bom, apesar de mais de um amplo hardware. Eu experimentei extensivamente com ambos raspar Matroska splitter e [int­link id=“58” type=“post”]gabests mpeg splitter[/intlink] mas ambos têm suas falhas.

haali does­n’t seem to cor­rectly sup­port HD audio formats, and whilst gabest does it has prob­lems with some of my files — par­tic­u­larly those that are 1440×1080 rather than 1920×1080. Even­tu­ally I dis­covered the fol­low­ing simple work-around.

  1. Install both gabest and haali split­ters (enabling mpeg-ts in haali).
  2. In the registry browse to [TypeExtensions HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTMedia]
  3. Make sure there is an entry for .m2ts and add an entry for .m2t
  4. Inside each there should be a string named “Source Filter”
  5. Set the source fil­ter for each of the 2 files to the CLSIDs (see below) of each of the split­ters (e.g. set m2t to haali and m2ts to gabest).
  6. Change the file exten­sion of any .m2ts files that are prob­lem­at­ic to .m2t. They will then play via the oth­er split­ter — which hope­fully won’t have any prob­lems with them!

Gabest CLSID = {1365BE7A-C86A-473C-9A41-C0A6E82C9FA3}
Haali CLSID = {55DA30FC-F16B-49FC-BAA5-AE59FC65F82D}

Please note — the above refers entirely to x64 codecs, split­ters and play­ers. It should work the same for x86 32bit but I haven’t tested it


I am now using .m2ts and .ts to dis­crim­in­ate as the .m2t exten­sion isn’t recog­nised by Media Cen­ter Mas­ter. .ts and .m2ts are also sup­posed to be inter­change­able — they both rep­res­ent an mpeg‑2 trans­port stream.

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