Juste un petit post avec les détails de la façon dont je ai amélioré le refroidissement et baissai bruit dans mon PC principal en déplaçant simplement les fans de cas ...
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Articles taggés : refroidissement
Création d'un nouveau HTPC bricolage à partir de zéro
Rassemblant un grand nombre de messages précédents, voici un guide sur la façon de construire et de configurer un DIY HTPC à partir de zéro ...
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Problèmes de stabilité
I’ve been having some stability issues with my HTPC recently. A reinstall didn’t help so I concluded it was hardware. Removing all non essentials didn’t help either so I figured it must be CPU, memory or mobo related. Nothing is overclocked or tweaked and its all fairly recent brand name kit. I stress tested the CPU and memory without causing either to fail, but I continued to get occasional lockups and intermittent sluggish performance.
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Ne pas utiliser trop de TIM!
A quick note of warning about applying Thermal Grease / Heatsink Compound to CPU'S. Don’t use loads! Not only will it not work very effectively, if you really go overboard it can leak over the sides of the cpu and get underneath as it has in the image. Ce CPU (A pentium 4) was given to me as “I think its broken”.
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”