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Artigos Etiquetados: flash
Flash Player 11: 64bit Oficial
Adobe Flash Player 11 foi lançado. Ele finalmente traz apoio oficial de 64 bits em um instalador tudo-em-um para ambos 64 e 32bit. A aceleração de hardware também está incluído agora. Bom trabalho Adobe, vamos apenas esperar que há menos problemas de segurança do que no passado.
Firefox 64bit
For those people running a 64bit version of Windows here are links to Firefox 64bit and various plugins to go with it…
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Jogando baixado FLV do
I recently had a problem with 2 PCs which appeared to be configured identically, but whilst one would play a FLV downloaded from youtube, the other would fail. Some other FLVs played OK on both systems. After much further investigation I discovered that the activeX version of flash player on 1 of the PC’s was up-to-date, but on the other was not.
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”