Earlier today I updated our test site, in preparation for rolling updates out to the main site. This involved updating several plugins and replacing the “BeforeTheDeadline” plugin with Jetpack. After completing the updates I found I was getting several error messages on the dashboard, under the “incoming links” dashboard widget, e até mesmo mais erros quando tentei esvaziar os caches W3 Total Cache.
Artigos Etiquetados: plug-in
Fixo: Comments area disappearing in Mystique theme
I recently had a problem where the entire comments area was missing from all the posts on this blog. When I switched back to the default twentyten theme they reappeared and at first I thought it was a problem with the mystique theme. I switched back to mystique and disabled all of my plugins and the comments came back! A simple process of elimination identified the culprit — The WP ESTE Pager Plugin. This plugin isn’t really necessary with the mystique theme, so I have simply removed it. If you encounter the same problem with mystique, check you haven’t got this plugin enabled.
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”