For a while I’ve used the podcast manager Juice. I’ve been very happy for a while, but the other day it suddenly stopped running for no obvious reason. Uninstalling and reinstalling didn’t resolve the issue, but after some digging I discovered the uninstallation process wasn’t deleting the settings file. On Windows XP this is located in C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data and is a folder called iPodder (not Juice!). Deleting this folder and then reinstalling Juice restored it to its former glory.
Artigos Etiquetados: desinstalação
Desinstalar Haali Media Splitter x64
Há um beta (ou talvez o seu Alpha) instalador para Haali Media Splitter x64 fora de casa (links para o instalador veja meu post anterior sobre [intlink id=“14” type=“post”]Windows 7 codecs x64[/intlink]). Infelizmente o unin-stall parece estar quebrado, o que pode causar estragos ao tentar diagnosticar problemas de codec. Para remover Haali completamente você precisa cancelar o registro dos seguintes arquivos manualmente usando regsvr32 /u filename
(a partir de um prompt de co-mando executado como administrador)
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”