Eu tive um problema muito longa data em que as unidades mapeadas no Windows PCs são mostrados como desligado depois de um PC acorda do sono ou após uma reinicialização. Ao clicar para abrir os resultados da unidade em um atraso de alguns segundos e, em seguida, a parcela abre. Eu tive esse problema com o Windows 7 através de direita para o Windows 10 1909. Hoje, Graças a uma questão diferente, Eu finalmente rachou.
The problem is caused by Microsoft’s out-dated NetBIOS name resolution system. Eu (like most people) map drives to the name of the target server, and with “shortnames” (i.. names without a domain after them) it seems like Windows tries to resolve the name with something other than DNS.
I discovered that disabling NetBIOS manually (see how below) meant that network drives were connected correctly after a reboot. I realised that if I could disable NetBIOS via DHCP i could fix all the PCs on my network with very little trouble. I tested this (instructions below) and was again successful!
Manually disabling
- right click on the networking icon in the system tray
- “Open Network & Internet Settings”
- “Change Adapter Options”
- Right click on the relevant connection and select properties
- Double click on “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”
- Click on “Advanced…”
- Click on the “WINS” tab
- Untick “Enable LMHOSTS Look-up”
- Select the radio box for “Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP”
- reinicialização
Disabling via DHCP
- This will depend on your DHCP system — mine is a pfsense router
- In the DHCP Options set option 43
- On my pfsense box this is set to a string with a value of 01:04:00:00:00:02
- On a sonicwall box I found the type was set to “bytevalue” and I had to use a slightly different format which was 0x01;0x04;0x00;0x00;0x00;0x02
- In both instances we are effectively setting the same value which I believe is a hex. Notice that both have 6 “bits” with the values 1,4,0,0,0,2. For different systems I found a quick google will provide the appropriate format
- Delete the previous IP lease on the DHCP system, and then do an “ipconfig /release” “ipconfig /renew” (2 separate commands) on the client
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”