0Media Center Master LogoEven more advanced post-processing with MCM

I’ve been look­ing to fur­ther tweak the [int­link id=“75” type=“post”]Media Cen­ter Mas­ter post-pro­cessing script[/intlink] I’ve pre­vi­ously writ­ten about — par­tially to fix a few new files that were being incor­rectly detec­ted by Stark Cov­ers, and also to build in some auto­mat­ic image res­iz­ing which, as I’ve pre­vi­ously detailed, helps to [int­link id=“74” type=“post”]improve the per­form­ance of Media Browser[/intlink].

Below is a new script which uses the free ImageMa­gick to res­ize images after pro­cessing them with stark covers

CDPro­gram Files (x86)Media Cen­ter MasterStarkCovers.10.28.2009
IF “%2” == “BD” goto bd
IF “%2” == “HDDV” goto bd
IF “%2” == “DVD” goto bd
IF “%2” == “mkv” goto bd
IF “%2” == “gen­er­ic” goto generic
IF “%2” == “DivX” goto sd
IF “%2” == “Mpeg” goto sd
start “” /WAIT /I /SEPARATE StarkCovers.exe %1 ‑codec ‑rever­tjpg 3d2
goto end
start “” /WAIT /I /SEPARATE StarkCovers.exe %1 3d3%2 ‑rever­tjpg
goto end
start “” /WAIT /I /SEPARATE StarkCovers.exe %1 3d2%2 ‑rever­tjpg
goto end
for /f “tokens=1,2 delims=.” %%a in (%3) do set mtype=%%b
for /f “tokens=1,2 delims= ” %%a in (%3) do set ftype=%%a
if “%ftype%” == “Z:VideosHD” goto generichd
start “” /WAIT /I /SEPARATE StarkCovers.exe %1 3d2%mtype% ‑rever­tjpg
goto end
start “” /WAIT /I /SEPARATE StarkCovers.exe %1 3d3%mtype% ‑rever­tjpg
cd %1“c:program filesimagemagick‑6.6.4‑Q16convert.exe” folder.png ‑res­ize 400 folder.png[/bash]

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