2AMD Radeon-Grafik-LogoProbleme mit Catalyst Mobility - Fest

Ich besitze ein Dell Stu-dio 1557 Laptop mit einem AMD (ehemals ATI) Mobility Radeon 4570. Während Dell einen Treiber, Sie halten sich nicht mit dem monatlichen Veröffentlichungszyklus von AMD auf dem Laufenden, daher habe ich in der Vergangenheit neuere Versionen direkt von AMD installiert.

For some reas­on one of these install­a­tions became cor­rupt, and des­pite my thor­ough remov­al of all things cata­lyst, includ­ing the use of the cata­lyst remov­al tool, driver sweep­er, and vari­ous manu­al dele­tions of files and registry entries, any new ver­sions I down­load only offer to install the Microsoft Visu­al C++ runtimes and the Cata­lyst Install Man­ager. There is no option to install the CCC or the dis­play driver itself. Although it is pos­sible to work around this (using device man­ager to install the driver, and run­ning vari­ous .msi installers manu­ally to install the CCC) this is fiddly and I’m not con­fid­ent everything is really installed cor­rectly. For­tu­nately I found a link for a “hacked” ver­sion of the cata­lyst 10.12 Treiber which, as a bonus, includes the new con­trol pan­el. These installed per­fectly and gave me a full set of install options includ­ing the driver and the CCC. As a huge bonus, this also seemed to “fix” the prob­lems with the offi­cial installer from AMD — Hav­ing installed the hacked ver­sion, reboot­ing and then rerun­ning the ori­gin­al installer now also shows up a full set of install­a­tion options, wie nachstehend gezeigt!

AMD Catalyst Install Manager with all options showing

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2 Bemerkungen

JSJon Scaife

That’s very inter­est­ing. Cheers for the warn­ing. I won­der what Sony have done which caused a prob­lem — at the end of the day, ein 5470 is a 5470 and should be com­pat­ible with the drivers. Did you report the issue to AMD? If not might I encour­age you to do so?


From recent exper­i­ence, I would say be VERY cau­tious doing this! Espe­cially if you have a Sony Vaio. I installed the divers from AMD for the Radeon HD 5470 in my Sony Vaio E Series, and then got sys­tem freezes/­lock-ups over the next few days. I thought it was a hard­ware prob­lem at first, but remov­ing the AMD driver and going back to the ATI-branded driver provided by Sony solved it. So I guess at least some man­u­fac­tur­ers are pro­du­cing laptops with ATI/AMD graph­ics that are NOT com­pat­ible with the drivers from the AMD web­site — but you will NOT get an error if you try to use them!
