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8Предупреждение: Не найдено - вниз на кол? Не

Sad news — for the last few days has been show­ing a Serv­er 500 ошибка. Теперь владелец (другой Jon) смирились сообщение о том, сайт сломан, и он не может быть в состоянии найти время, чтобы исправить это. Я, например, очень надеясь увидеть обратно в ближайшем будущем. Если это не будет, то я надеюсь, что мы сможем источник и обеспечить зеркало некоторые из выдающихся ресурсов, которые ранее были доступны там. ПОКОЙСЯ С МИРОМ.

Update 20-Jan is back online. Outstanding!

Обновить 2

Unfor­tu­nately theHT­PC is back off­line, seem­ingly with no hope of a revival.

Обновить 3

Thanks to Jon below for the com­ment. Its back again after allGreat news.

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JSДжон Скейф

What applic­a­tion? Do you mean com­ment? Until you veri­fy your e‑mail address you are likely to get a captcha to solve before you can post a com­ment. answer it cor­rectly and your com­ment will be sub­mit­ted (as the one I’m reply­ing to was)


Hi Stan­islav, I believe I have fixed the issue. My form sub­mis­sion plu­gin changed while the site was down and rendered my old set­tings incom­pat­ible. Without your com­ment, I prob­ably would nev­er have found it 🙂


I had giv­en up and thought it was all lost, but I did man­age to sal­vage an auto­mated db backup I had sent to my email peri­od­ic­ally. There is noth­ing new there for a year, but there really was­n’t at the time it went down either.

Любой конец, is back 🙂

JSДжон Скейф

Решено. There had­n’t been much new stuff there in the last couple of months, but some of the archived con­tent was still really use­ful, and the loss of com­munity is a big loss, it’s hard to build a com­munity like that. I hope he man­ages to restore it
