Artigos Etiquetados: 8250

0Windows 8 logotipoWindows 8250 visualização do consumidor: Menu iniciar tradicional

Win-dows 8 parece ter muitos bons novos ca-racterísticas, mas Infeliz-tu-mente, como eu mencionadas no pós pré-vi-ous, Microsoft has decided to cre­ate a phone/tablet user inter­face and foist it upon desktop users as well. This would­n’t be such a prob­lem if Microsoft had left an option to turn the excel­lent and well estab­lished tra­di­tion­al inter­face back on, but in their infin­ite wis­dom Microsoft has­n’t provided any such option. For­tu­nately there are 2 opções para obter o botão de arranque tradicional e menu de volta.

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